The renowned Fulton boiler group introduces the first true New Generation steam boiler in over 50 years!
In 1949, Fulton pioneered the vertical tubeless design, which quickly became the industry standard for industrial steam boilers. Since that time no one has been able to improve upon Fulton's original design with the Fulton J-Series holding much of the Australian market share. The J-series simple, compact design and robust construction from top quality materials made them ideal for arduous applications in a wide range of industries and for numerous industrial, pharmaceutical, medical, food and beverage steam production needs.
Now Fulton is raising the bar with the new technology VSRT (Vertical Spiral Rib Tubeless) boiler. The world's first fully wetted, refractory-free vertical tubeless boiler which has immediately been recognised as the new standard for industrial steam boiler design.
VSRT boilers have employed 'PURE Optimized' design technology and are built to last as a reliable source of steam. They are extremely energy efficient, environmentally clean, and in standard trim are equipped with the best possible controls and technology to ensure cost savings and operator peace of mind for years to come.
The design of the Fulton VSRT boiler provides increased thermal efficiency, with reduced flue gas and casing temperatures. It is easy to service and maintain, with good access for cleaning and inspection of internal surfaces.
The key features of the product range include:
Made in FULTON International facilities, Design Registered in Australia
Approved for Unattended Operation as per the requirements of AS2593
5 Models: 100kW – 500kW
Output: 156 kg/h – 782 kg/h (F&A 100°C)
Operating Pressure: 10.34 barg
Media free cyclonic combustion air intake filter
Ultra-high boiler efficiency up to 86%
Siemens LMV energy management system
Variable Speed Drive (VSD) on burner fan
Fully modulating burner, with up to 8:1 turndown ratio
Low NOx emissions <20 ppm
Highest in class stored water capacity
Five Year Guarantee on Pressure Vessel
Fulton VSRT series cut away showing spiral rib internals with gas passes and water storage
Fulton VRST-20 200 kw Ultra-efficient Vertical Tubeless Steam Boiler
Fulton's patent-pending cyclonic air filter effectively clears the combustion air of damaging particles